Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Just finished
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. So much fun. Gaiman’s writing is fresh and surprising. Every once in a while this light humor pokes through which adds a very enjoyable cadence to the story. The story? It’s about a man, Richard Mayhew who thought he had everything he wanted: a job, a fiancé, a fine collection of trolls on his desk (I mean come on, you have to love a story with trolls). Then one day a mysterious injured girl appears before him on the street and he has to help her out. He t

akes her back to his house and the next day everything changes. No one in his life remembers him. His fiancé politely smiles at him before telling him she has no idea what his name is, and Richard is thrown into a new world he has never imagined. Did I mention it takes place in London? London! The perfect location for fantasies. Well, needless to say, fantasy ensues staring a very confused Richard, the girl, Door, who has the ability to make doors and travel through them to different locations. There is also a bodyguard, a marquis, (mar-Quiss? mar-Key?), and an angel. Oh! And two perfectly cruel henchmen. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m kind of a fantasy connoisseur (not really). Yep, I can spot a fantastical gem a mile away (I say, while polishing my nails on my shirt). So you’re very lucky you read this blog. Because I am saying that
Neverwhere is a fantasy not to be missed.
Be swept away to a foreign country
and a fantastical land!
All in one book!