Books so nice, we read them twice (or more)
“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.”~Oscar Wilde
Sometimes, a book is too good for you to read it once and be done. Like a good movie, you want to experience that book again and again. You may catch something new in the plot, or gain a better understanding of the characters, or maybe you just want to feel that rush of adrenaline at the exciting climax. Whatever the reason, we all have books that we re-read. This week, MPL's librarians are sharing their favorite reread book. From magic to psychosis, we have varied interests here, so hopefully one of them catches your eye enough for it to be your reread as well.
I reread Magic's Pawn (the first book
of The Last Herald Mage Trilogy) by Mercedes Lackey every
couple of years. I first read this book in high school and it touched me. Even
now, after years and years (and years and years) of rereads, I still tear
up every time I read it. Magic's Pawn is one of the books that launched my life-long love of the
Fantasy genre. It's one of my top 10 favorite reads of all time. I think I
will go reread it today.
~Mary P.
The Awakening by Kate Chopin is a book I had to read
in high school as a summer reading book. I loved it then because the main
character was so different than any other character and I defended her and the
ending heatedly against classmates. I reread the title because it is a great
piece of literature that went against the norms of what late 19th
century American women were supposed to act like. The independence and
struggles of the main character resonated with me. It is a beautiful piece
about a woman who becomes listless with the life that was chosen for her and
seeks a life of her own.
~Kristin M.
I’m endlessly fascinated with authors who attempt to capture
consciousness on the page, so I’m not surprised that Susanna Kaysen’s Girl, Interrupted is the book I’ve
reread the most. Girl is
Kaysen’s memoir of her 18 month stay at McLean Hospital following a suicide
attempt. She recounts her experiences being
treated for Borderline Personality Disorder while also grappling with the
nature of mental illness. It’s the book I always
kept in my car’s glove compartment and the narrative’s non-linear style made it
easy to pick up and read from any random page whenever I had a few minutes to
~Meredith T.
I reread a lot of books. Like, a lot. This is also why I own
so many books. My favorite reread book is probably Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. I have sung it’s praises on
here before, and I shall reiterate it now. Although this is a children’s book,
there is much to be learned from it. The story of Ella, who is cursed with
obedience and overcomes it while fighting ogres and wicked stepsisters, is
timeless. I first read this book in fifth grade, when I was about ten years
old, and it is the first book I remember loving. The book is a retelling of
Cinderella, but I see it as much more than that and read it at least once a
year. It makes me laugh, cry, and smile, which to me, after innumerable reads,
is a total winner. (It’s not just for kids!)
~Cailey W.
I actually do a lot of re-reading, which turns out to be a lot of fun
because you catch things you didn’t notice before, or because something
happened in real life the story reads differently now. Sometimes an author gets
to book fourteen and then I have to re-read a dozen books before the next
debuts. (Mr. Butcher I am looking in your direction.)
I book I reread the most would have to be Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Yes, I said Philosopher’s, not
Sorcerer’s. No, it’s not really a different story, just a variation
on the language. It’s my feel good book. Philosopher’s stone takes me away with
a heroic trio I can relate to. They aren’t the best people, they do
some stupid things, but they are brave and kind. There’s magic and
dragons and a school of people who mostly want to be there. It also
brings back a lot of good memories, first date with my husband, traveling
through England with my sister, reading out loud with my parents.
~Amy W.
I don't read too many books again, but I have read Stephen King's The Stand several times. It's such an epic story of good versus evil, and I guess it's one of the first end-of-the-world novels I ever read.
~Amanda D.
Give me The Princess Bride any day! I enjoyed reading what the librarians love to reread.