The Visible Man by Chuck Klosterman

The Visible Man by Chuck Klosterman is a book that
leaves you thinking. What was the point of Y___’s use of therapy? What are his
ulterior motives? Who is he? The book is written as a transcription of the
dialogue between Vicky and Y___ with some conversations filled in by Vicky’s
memory and some add-ons from Vicky. Vicky claims that the story was too
extraordinary not to publish and in her belief, Y___ had the sessions taped for
exactly that reason.
Klosterman is an amazing writer. This is a book awash with
intellectual stimuli, questions, and provocation. It creeps beneath the surface
just as Y___ creeps into people’s lives. It left me a little uneasy because the
idea of someone watching what I do on my own without my knowledge is
disturbing. It made me think about my super-secret single behavior (yeah that’s
right we all have them) and also about when we show our true selves.
I highly suggest this title if you’re ready for a short,
adult book. If you like something that has dark humor and compels you to
continue on, I’d say give this one a read. Certainly a book that changed my
outlook on “being alone”.
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~Kristin M.
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