Happy Top Ten Tuesday! Today's topic is books that will make you cry. Grab a tissue...
Top Ten Tuesday is a meme started on the Broke and the Bookish blog.
They set the topic, we make the lists. Visit their site to see more on this topic
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Haunting and desolate, this book will make you want to curl up in a tiny ball and snuggle your stuffed animals.
Atonement by Ian McEwan
An instant classic. The anxiety, regret, and discontent that pepper the pages of McEwan’s novel mix so poetically that by the end you’re crying because of the guilt and utter unfairness of life.
Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
I read this in 5th or 6th grade and remember balling at the end! She has to be obedient! Someone stop her and break the curse before the prince marries someone else. Plus why are people so mean…*tear*
Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
A tragically beautiful book about one woman sticking beside the man she loves who has no control over his ability to time travel.
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
Why does Sparks have to write romantic books with tragedy and heartbreak? First the couple can’t be together, then she has dementia. TRAGIC! “If you’re a bird then I’m a bird”. Stop it Ryan Gosling!
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
A story that’s narrated by Death is going to end with tears. On top of that it’s about an orphaned girl, Nazis Germany, and book burning. It’s such a gorgeous book with beautiful themes.
A Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah
A heartbreaking, but hopeful story about a little girl who becomes a bad luck charm in her family after her mother dies during her birth. She is subsequently shunned by her step mother and nothing she does is ever good enough. Oh goodness this is the second “Cinderella” tale on this list! Poor Cinderella.
Room by Emma Donoghue
Tragic circumstances seem to be what get me upset. This is the story of a woman who was kidnapped and has spent a number of years being held against her will in a single room. She has birthed a child by her captor and the story is told from the five year old boy’s perspective. This was hard to read, but I will always remember it.
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
More tragic circumstances! Two teens with cancer. Things happen. Tis sad. Read it and weep.
What books make you cry?
~Kristin M.
The only one of these I've read was The Fault in Our Stars and that one made my list too. I'll have to check some of those others out!
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction