of my co-workers (I will not say who in order to protect the innocent) assigned
me Killing Kennedy by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard as part of our “Books We’ve Missed” project. This made a
certain amount of sense, as Killing
Kennedy, along with its companion volumes Killing Jesus and Killing
Lincoln, are some of the highest
circulating items here. And I have a rep as the department historian, so it
probably seemed appropriate, but I’ll be honest, this was a bit of a challenge
for me.
assassination of John F. Kennedy is one of the most heavily researched and
analyzed events in American history. Even the most basic search of the Library
of Congress brings up over 1000 entries (and even that barely scratches the
surface), so it takes a certain chutzpah to feel like one can add to this
literature. Of course, chutzpah is what Bill O’Reilly is all about. One simply
doesn’t become the sort of polarizing figure that he is without a fair amount
of self-confidence.
light of the task that O’Reilly and his partner Martin Dugard set for
themselves, Killing Kennedy achieves
a modicum of success. It is smartly written, full of interesting, if sometimes
lurid detail, and doesn’t bog down in the mass of available factual (to say
nothing of conspiratorial) material surrounding the assassination.
Killing Kennedy
is at its best when it picks up the threads of the narrative and runs with
them. In many respects, it reads like a Robert Ludlum novel, gathering momentum
as it spirals toward a foregone conclusion. The virtue of the book is in the
telling itself, rather than in the promise of new information, of which it
contains practically none. It’s mostly told in the present tense, and spiced
with a large helping detail, some of it quotidian, some of it lurid, pretty
much all of it already well known to practically everyone who had watched the
History Channel.
said that, one point in favor of this book that it stays away from the sort of
conspiracy mongering that is so often found in this genre. I give O’Reilly and
Dugard credit for resisting the temptation to weave in speculations about shadowy
figures on the grassy knoll, the roll that LBJ may have played, or the idea
that the assassination was undertaken by the freemasons (all of which have been
posited by conspiracy theorists at one time or another).
that, according to a poll done in 2012, something like 7% of American’s believe
that Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy who assassinated Lincoln, there is definitely
a place for this book in today’s society. If it is sometimes grim, sometimes
shocking in its details, it must also be said it is moderate and restrained in
terms of political spin. And, putting aside for a moment my professional
historian’s streak of curmudgeonliness, I will say that this is the kind of
history book that is enjoyable reading for the nonspecialist. If you’re
interested in learning about an important historical event, and don’t want to
get bogged down in a lot of references or left field speculation, O’Reilly and
Dugard’s book is well worth your time.
What books have you missed reading?
~John F.
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