Sequels. It seems like everything is part of a series these days. Harry Potter was seven books, eight movies, and a play. A Song of Ice and Fire fans are patiently waiting for books six and seven as HBO’s Game of Thrones surpasses the novels this year. Sue Grafton, who started her Kinsey Millhone mysteries in 1982 with “A” is for Alibi, is nearing the end of the alphabet with X (expect Y in 2017 and Z in 2019). Frankly, keeping up with these never-ending series can be exhausting.
happened to good old fashioned novels, I find myself asking…myself? Well,
actually, most of the books that come into the library are standalone stories.
But sometimes characters resonate and you wonder what happened to them after
that final page. Occasionally authors have the same feeling and that’s when we
get unexpected sequels. This is a list of continuations to books that aren’t
part of lengthy series. But writing the unexpected sequel can be tricky
business. Sometimes the story comes as a natural progression, enhancing the
original story. Other times, it reads as a shameless cash grab, making you
completely question your judgment of the first book. Authors, tread carefully.
are some recent sequels that you may (or may not) want to check out:

After You by Jojo Moyes (2015, sequel to 2012’s Me Before You) – With the film version of Me
Before You just out of theaters, I hesitate to give too much of this story
away. Let’s just say that Clark struggles to readjust to life after the events
of the first book. Clark’s maturity in the sequel makes for an appealing
compliment to the original book. ~MT
First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen (2015, sequel to 2007’s Garden Spells) Allen’s books exist mostly in the same world, so you’ll
occasionally catch a glimpse of a character from Garden Spells in The Peach
Keeper, but First Frost is her
first proper sequel. Ten years after the events of Garden Spells, we check in with the Waverley sisters whose settled
lives might be upended by the appearance of a mysterious stranger. ~MT

Stand-Off by Andrew Smith (2015, sequel to 2013’s Winger)
I found Winger to be an unexpectedly
poignant YA novel about a boy, Ryan Dean West, finding his place among his
classmates at a private school. I know John really connected with it. So the
sequel was a little bit of a letdown. Rugby was a large part of the first book,
but didn’t play too much of a role in Stand-Off
to the detriment of the story. It also seemed like Smith didn’t have as strong
a handle on his characters as he did in Winger.~MT
The Rosie
Effect by Graeme Simsion (2014, sequel to 2012’s The Rosie Project) Here’s an example of a bad sequel. The Rosie Project was an unexpected delight, a bestseller in
Australia before being released in the US. The
Rosie Effect, on the other hand, was literally one of the worst books I’ve
ever read. Every character acted like they had recently received a lobotomy. The Rosie Effect makes me physically angry
just thinking about it. Hard pass. ~MT (although CW 100% agrees)
The Love
Song of Queenie Hennessy by Rachel Joyce (2014, sequel to 2012’s The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry) I loved The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (you can see how much here),
so I was pleasantly surprised to see a sort-of sequel to this story. Instead of
a traditional sequel, taking place after the events of the first novel, The Love Song of Queenie Hennessy takes
place in the same timeline as Harold Fry,
just from Queenie’s perspective. I wanted to love this book, but in revealing
Queenie’s past, I felt like I lost a little bit of the magic from the previous
book. (full review) Even so, if you liked the first book, the second is sort of a necessary
Have you read any unexpected sequels that we've left out? Good or bad?
Have you read any unexpected sequels that we've left out? Good or bad?
~Meredith and Cailey
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