Top Ten Tuesday is a meme started on the Broke and the Bookish blog.
They set the topic, we make the lists. Visit their site to see more on this topic
Book ADD: losing interest in one book and jumping into another, newer, shinier book. (I usually still jump back at some point.)
Mixing plots: Along the same lines, I sometimes read books with similar plots and mix them up. Whoops!
Book hangovers: This is when you read a book you love so much that everything else is awful afterwards. This happens to me at least three times a year, and it makes it so I turn a bit lackluster about future books until I get over it.
Author binge: So this is only a problem when it's over. I find an author I love and then MUST READ EVERYTHING! Generally, this works out well, but then I fall into book hangover when I'm all out.
Book Procrastination: This happens to me with book club books a lot. I put it off until I must read it, and then I spend hours reading it the day before discussion. I also do this with books that are almost due back to the library and I have to finish them!
Space: As I mentioned, I like to own books (that I sometimes don't read, but my are they pretty!). This becomes a problem with moving, and shelves. Books take up space, which I am happy to give them, but sadly, at some point you just run out. I have four bookshelves in my house, and none of them are shelved normally. Books are sideways in order to make room for more books and more books are on those. There are also books on every surface of my room, including the floor. I have a problem.
Audio Narrators: I love me some audiobooks, but I am particular about my narrators. I get distracted by regional accents (when they are not part of the story) or when a narrator doesn't modify their voice ever. This problem has really only come up a handful of times, but it's real.
Book Insomnia: When I'm super into a book, I tell myself I'll read a little before bed. Then it's 1 AM, but there's really less than a hundred pages left, so I may as well keep reading, and by the time I finish, it's 2:30 and my mind is reeling from whatever I've read and then I have less than 4 hours sleep, but it's so worth it every time! (Except that I am then sleepy all day.)
So many books, so little time: There is never enough time to read the many many books I want to read, and they keep getting published!
Any bookish problems of your own?
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