Top Ten Tuesday is a meme started on the Broke and the Bookish blog.
They set the topic, we make the lists. Visit their site to see more on this topic
1) The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf
Ferdinand was one of my favorite books growing up. I had my father and read it to me over and over again. I think part of what made it so mesmerizing was the illustrations, and I would love to go back and take a look at them now.
I actually had to look up this book to make sure I hadn’t completely made it up. It is probably the least well-known on this list, but it’s one that was important to my family, mainly because we found many of the illustrations in the book incredibly hilarious.
3) The Stinky Cheese Man and other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Scieszka
I feel like I need to revisit this book because of Jon Scieszka’s unqiute sense of humor. I can only imagine how many jokes I missed out on as a child.
4) Mama, Do You Love Me? By Barbara Joosse
Parents demonstrate their love for their children in so many different ways, and this book is a friendly reminder of the endless reaches of their love. It’s more of a sentimental read for me. Get them tears flowing.
5) If the Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most
Who hasn’t thought about what they would do if the dinosaurs suddenly reappeared. I know I have. And if I’m remembering this book correctly, they are a plenty of creative ways to use dinosaurs.
6) Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish
For those of you unfamiliar with Amelia Bedelia, she takes everything literally and doesn’t understand figures of speech. I know a couple of books featuring Amelia have come out since I stopped reading them as child, and I’d like to see what wacky thing happen in those stories.
7) Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel
Frog and Toad are two of my favorite characters from children’s literature. The two go off on many wonderful adventures together throughout their series, and I’d like to relive that magic.
One of these days I should really just sit down and go back through all of the Caldecott winners. But Mosquitos has always been my favorite, so I would say that is the one I would revisit first. I’d like to read it along with James Earl Jones’ narration over the animated version as well.
9) The Story of Babar by Jean de Brunhoff
Oh, Babar. You have so many adventures. And I’d like to go back to your first. I could use a little reminder of how the story goes.
10) Miss Nelson is Missing! by Harry Allard
When I was younger I remember thinking that Miss Nelson was incredibly clever for tricking her students with a clever disguise.
And what are your favorites?
~Marilyn W.
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