Top Ten Tuesday is a meme started on the Broke and the Bookish blog.
They set the topic, we make the lists. Visit their site to see more on this topic
Mama Seeton’s Whistle by Jerry Spinelli
So one of our co-workers said that I needed to put this at the top of my list, and I was happy to oblige. When Mama Seeton whistles, her children know that it’s time to come home for hugs, kisses, and sweets. And even years later, when the children’s have grown up and moved away, they will still run back home when they hear their mom’s whistle.
When Mama Goes to Work by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
Being a mom is one of the best jobs in the world, but lots of moms have other jobs that they go to every day. Mom and kids may miss each other all day, but they have lots of work to do that keeps them happy. And at the end of the day they get to spend lots of fun time together.
Mama, Do You Love Me? by Barbara M. Joosse

My New Mom and Me by Renata Galindo
Moms come in many different shapes and sizes, and sometime they may look a little different than their kids. In this story a little dog is adopted by a loving cat. The dog is nervous because he doesn’t look like his new mom and even tries painting himself to fit in. But his new mom loves him just the way he is.
The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown
This one is a classic and I’m sure that plenty of you are already familiar with it. For those of you who aren’t, The Runaway Bunny is about a young bunny who decides to run away. He questions his mother as to what lengths she would go to in order to find him. But a mother’s love knows no bounds.
Zombie in Love, 2 +1 by Kelly DiPucchio
In the first Zombie in Love, the lonely zombie Mortimer found his true love, another zombie named Mildred. Well now the two have discovered a human baby on their doorstep, and he is not what they expected. He sleeps during the night and doesn’t cry or moan. The two new parents struggle to connect to their new son, but they may have more in common with him then they think.
Bob, Not Bob! by Liz Garton Scanlon and Audrey Vernick
Poor little Louis has a bad cold and needs his mom’s help to get better. There’s just one problem, every time he calls for his mom to help it comes out wrong, causing his dog Bob to come running instead. This book is a lot of fun and is best read while plugging your nose to make it sound like you have the worst cold ever.
Toads on Toast by Linda Bailey
What is Mamma Toad to do? All of her little ones have been snatched up by the hungry Fox for lunch. In an attempt to save her kids, Mamma Toad teaches Fox a new recipe for Toad-in-a-Hole, which doesn’t require any toads. There is a recipe in the back for Toad-in-a-Hole which is simple enough to make at home with your little ones. Happy snacking!
My Mom Has X-Ray Vision by Angela McAllister
Moms have so many talents that sometimes it seems like they might have super powers! They always know where you are hiding, and when you are about to cause trouble. It seems like they might have X-Ray vision. It’s time to put them to the test and see if they are the superheroes we think they are!
When I Carried You in My Belly by Thrity Umrigar
Moms start to bond with their little ones before the baby is even born. In this story a mom explains to her daughter how her laughter, love of music, and kind nature can all be traced back to the time she was in her mom’s tummy.
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