A couple of the librarians at MPL challenged the rest of us
to read “Librarian Fiction”… (books that take place in a library or have a
librarian in them.) So, since I read
mostly sci-fi and fantasy, I went looking for something that fit the bill… and
I ended up with Libriomancer by Jim

Libriomancer is a
witty, humorous take on the importance of tales, stories, and books, with a
couple of librarian moments thrown in for fun. My favorite scene (the one that still makes me giggle a month later) is
when Isaac threatens to take away the library card of a patron.
"Are you aware that section 6.2 of the Copper River Library user agreement gives me the authority to revoke your library card, including Internet Privileges?"
She lowered her cane. “You wouldn’t dare.”
I leaned closer and whispered, “A librarian’s gotta do what
a librarian’s gotta do.”
As a rabid Sci-Fi/Fantasy reader, I also enjoyed the nods to
books and authors that the writer slipped in. As Isaac was pulling items out of books, you would get hints as to
which books they were coming from. Am I
smart enough to figure out the healing potion came from the Lord of the Rings
trilogy? Could there possibly have been a book about Martian wood nymph nymphomaniacs? (Yep-the '70s had some really interesting pulp fiction.)
I will mention that my mother read Libriomancer and said, “That book was dumb.” But, I enjoyed
it. I thought it was funny and
entertaining. To each their own. And, the scene about taking away someone’s
library card still makes me giggle.
~Mary P.
~Mary P.
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